Macdonald, Brenda - Obituaries | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Macdonald, Brenda


1944 - 2023

It is with deep sorrow and much love that the family of Brenda Marlene Macdonald (Chandler) announces her passing on October 16th, 2023 at the age of 79 years, at Blanch River Health, Kirkland

Brenda is survived by her loving husband and partner in life, Norman after 62 years of marriage. Her 3 children, Dean (Vicki), Robert (Angel) and Tammy. Her grandchildren, Becky, Daniel (Brianna), Alli and Hunter (MacKenzie). Her brother Roger (Linda), sister Jo-Anne (Garry). Her mother-in-law Dorothy, sisters-in-law, Eleanor (Jack), Flora (Al) and Gloria and many Cousins, Nieces and Nephews. A special mention to her life-long friend Gloria, her special friend Claire and all those who were part of her life and offered love and support.

Brenda is predeceased by her parents Stanley and Joyce and her father-in-law Bob (Robert).

The family would like to thank the Kirkland Lake staff at Extendicare, Blanch River Health, and Home and Community Care Support Services North East, for the excellent care and kind support they provided.

A memorial visitation will be held on Thursday, October 26, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. at the Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative – French Family Chapel (111 Burnside Dr., Kirkland Lake, ON.) followed by a Celebration of Life, date to be determined at a later time.

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30 messages received

Robert MacDonald

Robert and family.
My deepest sympathy and prayers.

Vivien Clarke, October 18, 2023

The MacDonald Family

We are so sorry for your loss. Brenda was a kind and gentle woman.
May your memories help to heal your broken hearts.
Sincerely Sonny and Annie Kmyta

Annie & Sonny, October 18, 2023

Norm, Roger and Joanne

So sad to hear of Brenda’s passing. I enjoyed Norm and Brenda’s company after we friends of Joanne matured enough to truly appreciate their company. Brenda was always so welcoming and happy to have her family around her. She will be so missed.

Maureen Widdifield , October 18, 2023

Norm and Family

Please accept our sincere and heartfelt condolences for your loss…will always remember that infectious smile which brighten up every room she was in…May your pain be ease somewhat by cherishing all those wonderful memories you have…RIP Brenda

Joseph and Tanja, October 18, 2023

Norm, Rob and Dean

So sorry to hear of your loss. I worked for Brenda and Norm many many years ago, and became good friends. Lost track for years but always remember what a wonderful friend she was . My sympathies to your families. Sylvia (nee Reid).. Goodman.

Sylvia Goodman, October 18, 2023

Norm and MacDonald Family

We are so sorry to here about Brenda, and we send you our deepest condolences.
Stay strong at this time of sorrow.

Sincerely Blaine and Kathy Vernon

Blaine and Kathy Vernon, October 19, 2023

Robert and family

So sorry to hear of your loss

Betty Birch, October 19, 2023

The MacDonald Family

So sorry to hear the loss of Brenda, she was Special, so cherish all of her memories.

Judy (Cale) Gervais, October 19, 2023

Mr MacDonald, Dean, Robert, Tammy and family

I was so sorry to hear of Mrs MacDonalds passing, my deepest condolences to Mr MacDonald her children and family. I remember her so well. She was such an amazing women. She had the heart and soul of an angel. She left a lasting impression on everyone she met. She will be dearly missed by all that new and loved her. Your all in my thoughts and prayers

Angie Trottier Kyle, October 19, 2023

The MacDonald Family

Please accept our sincere sympathy for your loss. Brenda was a beloved wife, mother and grandmother. Her passing will be felt by many. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you, now and in the days ahead.

Bob and Anne , October 19, 2023

Norm (MR Macdonald Dean,Rob and Tammy

Im sorry to here (mom Mrs Macdonald) passing away. I just found out. I feel so bad for Mr Macdonald and kids.

I have nothing but the fondest of memories i was younger and moved away for work.
She was a amazing woman always joking or giving advice.

The nicest of couple could always see the love and connection.

You couldn’t possibly meet a nicer woman.

I’m sorry for her passing i wish the entire family my deepest regrets.

Guy Carlson , October 19, 2023

Brenda's family

So sorry to hear of Brenda's passing.
Condolences to you Norman and all your family.

Stan and Barb Galda, October 19, 2023

All the familys

So sorry for your loss Prayers for all of you

Jacqueline Jeffery, October 20, 2023

Norm and the entire Macdonald Clan

Doug and I send heartfelt condolences in your loss of sweet Brenda.
Norm, I have no doubt she is missing you too. ️
Lynn and Doug Elliott

Lynn Elliott, October 20, 2023

The entire Macdonald Family

Our heart felt condolences on the loss of Brenda. She was a one of a kind lady. Good Memories . Keeping you all in our Prayers.

Barb & Nelson , October 21, 2023

MacDonald family

My heart goes out to all of you. I will cherish all my memories of Brenda which are a lot…her kindness, caring of others, her laugh and all her stories about growing up with my mom and dad. Brenda was not just a great friend she was our family too. Norm, Dean, Rob, and Tammy great big hugs. Your wife and your mom was a very beautiful lady in every way possible.

Kelly Semple, October 21, 2023

Norn and family and friends

Love you my beautiful Brenda. It was my pleasure to have been in your life. You will be missed. Prayers to all

Kathy Ennis, October 21, 2023

Norm,Dean,Robbie,Tammy and families

To my life long friend Brenda
As i sit here remembering both good and hard times we have shared it brings tears running down my cheeks. No one deserves to suffer with that horrible disease called Alzheimer's. Your suffering is over now and you can rest in peace Brenda.I will miss you and the friendship since childhood.
Norman and I will struggle on without you and Willie until we meet again.
Your true friend Gloria.

Gloria Semple , October 22, 2023

Norm, Dean, Rob, Tammy, Jo-Anne, Roger , Gloria & families

I struggle to find the words through my tears to express the passing of my beautiful friend Brenda ️
Through time the memories will carry us through and our hearts will always be thankful for the time we shared with Brenda .
Love to you all ️
Sue Knight & family

Sue Knight, October 24, 2023


My condolences, Norm... I do remember your wife, she was a very nice lady... May she rest in peace

Anita Julian, October 24, 2023

Norm and Family

Ron and I send our sincere condolences and prayers to you and your family at this very sad time. Please cherish the wonderful memories of this special lady

Ron and Tina

Tina, October 24, 2023

Macdonald family

Sincere condolences on your loss . My thoughts are with the family. Rest easy Brenda.

Chris Bivol, October 25, 2023

Normand and Family

She was such a wonderful neighbour! The kids still talk about both of you. My heart is with you and your family.
Rest in peace Brenda

Brandi, Colton, Cameron, Charlie and Caden , October 25, 2023

Chandler and Macdonald families

We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Brenda. Please accept our heartfelt condolences during this difficult time. May you find strength and comfort in the cherished memories you shared together.

With sympathy,
Bernice Ross-jolicoeur, Shannon and Bob Galarneau

Shannon Galarneau, October 26, 2023

Norman and family

So sorry for your loss. Doug and Lorraine

Lorraine Dagelman, October 26, 2023

Norm and family

Sorry to hear of your loss and condolences to the family

Paul Filteau, October 26, 2023

Norm and Brenda's family

I will miss my special cousin that I grew up with at numerous family get togethers ranging from Christmas get togethers to many outdoor activities . She and Norm helped and looked out for my parents over so many years whether doing Dads income tax or having them over for a meal or just checking up on them .Norm and Brenda had a marriage of true love and devotion a tribute to their respect for each other .
May we all remember the wonderful memories to help us thru the loss of one we loved

Stephen & Jennifer, October 30, 2023

Norman and Family.

SO very sorry for your loss of your Dear Brenda. Heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Thinking of you at this very difficult time. Rest in Peace Brenda.

Shirley Dorsey , October 30, 2023

Norm and family

So sorry for your loss, i didnt know brenda real well or very long, but the times i met her with norm at your mother dorthy's when I did home help there. She was such a joy to visit woth and your mother. My sincere condolences to you norm and family

Cherie, November 4, 2023

Norm and family

Very sorry to learn of Brenda's passing. Please accept our sincere sympathy.

Joe Muething / Kathy Martin, November 25, 2023