Fong, Chau Fook "Frank" - Obituaries | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Fong, Chau Fook "Frank"

FONG, Chau Fook "Frank"

1938 - 2024

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Frank Fong who passed away on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at Extendicare in Kirkland Lake, at the age of 86 years old.

He is predeceased by his parents and family in China.

He leaves behind a brother, Chen Sheng Fang from Kapuskasing, 2 sisters and family in China.

Thank you to the staff who cared for him at Extendicare Nursing Home and a big thank you to the owners of Pagoda who cared for him for many years.


Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative 

March 19, 2024

11:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.

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4 messages received

Relatives of Frank Tong, Tang and Edmond

We offer our sincere condolences on the passing of Frank who is now happily united in Tian with family and friends.

Jean Szalajko and Mike Wall, March 15, 2024

Frank Fong's family and Friends

Sincere condolences to Frank's family and Tang, Edmund and all the
staff present and past who worked all these many years alongside
Frank at the Pagoda.
From Shirley Downey ( a very long time Pagoda patron).

Shirley Downey, March 15, 2024

Family & Friends of "Frank" Fong

Pagoda was a mainstay in KL. Many marriage proposals happened there, many make-ups and break-ups, and many, so many wedding and family after parties. Once the College was built it was the town hangout for youth. Ideas were born in the Pagoda. Debates. Everything one may talk about around a table with such incredible good Chinese food.. was talked about in the Pagoda. It was where i tasted my first Sweeet and Sour Meatball, my first Eggroll, and i became rather fond of Almond Chicken Guy Ding, and others. So many memories. If walls could talk, they'd be whispering "thanks, Frank" at closing time.

Thanks for the memories and wonderful food,
On behalf of myself and my family,
Donna Sonnenburg

Donna Sonnenburg, April 20, 2024

Fong Family

Sad to hear this news of Franks passing. Worked with him at Pagoda Restaurant for about 7 years . He was a Great Cook. Always smiling. We had some fun times there. My Condolences.

Susan waldron, April 21, 2024