Grisé, Ernest - Obituaries | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Grisé, Ernest

GRISÉ, Ernest

1939 - 2023

It is with great sadness that the family announces the peaceful passing of Ernest Grisé (Ernie) at the age of 83 years on May 7, 2023. He was born in New Liskeard, son of deceased Émile Grisé and deceased Cécile Grisé née Rivard.

He retired in 1996 from Canada Post after 32 years of service. He lived in Carlsbad Springs for 44 years until he moved to Blackburn Hamlet in 2016.

He is survived by his loving wife of 55 years, Gisèle Grisé née Grandmont; his daughters Nathalie Brass and Joanne Grisé (Randall Vermette); his granddaughter Cassie Brass; his sisters Claudette LeBrun (Peter) of Orléans, Émilia Jenkins (Dale) of North Vancouver and Claire Uttley of New Liskeard as well as many nephews, nieces and relatives from throughout Canada.

Predeceased by his sister Muriel (2015), his brothers Edgar (2019) and Charles-Émile (Charlie) (2022) as well as many sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law.

A funeral service will be held on Monday May 15, 2023 at 1 pm at Heritage Funeral Complex, 1250 Trim Rd in Orleans. The family will receive condolences from 11 am

Burial will take place in New Liskeard Catholic Cemetery at a later date.

The family would like to thank the wonderful staff at Center d'accueil Champlain in Vanier for the great care he received and for their kindness, compassion and consideration during his last days. In lieu of flowers, in memoriam donations may be made to the Center d'accueil Champlain.

French obituary 

C’est avec grande tristesse que la famille annonce le décès de Ernest Grisé (Ernie) le 7 mai 2023 paisiblement à l’âge de 83 ans. Né à New Liskeard, fils de feu Émile Grisé (1984) et de feu Cécile Grisé (1997) née Rivard.

Après 32 ans d’emploi à Poste Canada, il a pris sa retraite en 1996. Il a vécu à Carlsbad Springs pendant 44 ans jusqu’à son déménagement à Blackburn Hamlet en 2016.

Il fut prédécédé par sa soeur Muriel (2015), ses frères Edgar (2019) et Charles-Émile (Charlie) (2022) ainsi que de nombreuses belles-sœurs et beaux-frères.

Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse bien-aimée de 55 ans Gisèle Grisé née Grandmont; ses filles Nathalie Brass et Joanne Grisé (Randall Vermette); sa petite-fille Cassie Brass; ses soeurs Claudette LeBrun (Peter) d’Orléans, Émilia Jenkins (Dale) de North Vancouver, et Claire Uttley de New Liskeard ainsi que plusieurs neveux et nièces et de la parenté répartie à travers le Canada.

Les funérailles auront lieu le lundi 15 mai 2023 à 13h00 au Complexe funéraire Héritage, 1250 chemin Trim à Orléans. La famille recevra les condoléances à compter de 11h00.

L’enterrement aura lieu au cimetière catholique de New Liskeard à une date ultérieure.

The family would like to thank the Center d'accueil Champlain in Vanier for their excellent care and for their kindness, compassion and caring care during his last days. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to the Center d'accueil Champlain.

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1 message received

To the Grise family lam so sorry to the passing of your uncle

Dear Clara ,Louise and Nicole and family iam thinking of you all
In my prays

Ida , May 12, 2023