Green, Gordon "Larry" - Obituaries | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Green, Gordon "Larry"

GREEN, Gordon "Larry"

1948 - 2025

It is with regret that we must inform you that as the sun rose on the New Year the sun set on Dobie.

Gordon Larry Green, was born to Thelma and Gordon Green on Nov. 13th, 1948. From a very young age he was a thrill seeker. This led to many antics that had him cheating death on more than a few occasions. He lived life to the fullest and on his own terms from the start.

He whole heartly loved his friends and family, including his daughters Alycha and Meagan and his grandson Jack.

When he was a teen he moved with his family to Dobie and the legend named Dobie was born.

He was happy in the sun, swam like a fish, and loved taking his bike down the open road. The music was always playing. He enjoyed spending down time working on stained glass, being in the bush looking for critters and always had a project on the go.

He refused to work for the man, except for when he was in the Air Force, he liked that. He understood this life is short and just wanted to do stuff that was fun! His entrepreneurial spirit took him down many roads from his early days in ‘distribution’ selling everything from condoms to fireworks to hosting fish derbies and live bands with Marya at the Last Resort.

One thing that was unmistakably Dobie was his iconic and infectious laugh. He loved to show people a good time which always felt so easy when he was around. He wanted to invite you out, one more time.
Please join us on February 8th, 2025 at The Royal Canadian Legion branch 87 in Kirkland Lake from 2pm-5pm to share stories and a few good laughs.

This isn’t a funeral it’s a celebration of a great man!
Please no flowers or sad faces.

Cover charge is a photo, a note of a memory you shared or a few last words. We also invite you to think of a song to add to the playlist if there is one that strikes a chord with you.

These can be shared when you arrive or ahead of time via the Facebook page Hey Dobie, Remember that time...? 

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Dobie and his Family and Friends

WHAT a Life he had, and left us all so many memories ..will miss our chats but know you are at Peace now...So Glad for the Friendship.

May my support
warm your heart
Judy (Cale) Gervais, January 7, 2025

Larry's Family

One of our first neighbors on Baron St., Larry and his family were great people.
RIP Larry

RICK BARKER, January 7, 2025


Thank you for all of the great laughs hun️
You talked to me recently about wanting to ride again this summer and now you can enjoy riding into the sunset after a long sunny day by the water every day.

You were a great man Dobie
Sending love and light to all who knew and loved you.

❤️, January 7, 2025

Dobie's family

That smile of his! He saved us June 98 ar a party at the old Northwood Camp! Those there will remember!
One cool dude who will be missed!

May my support
warm your heart
Joanne French, January 7, 2025

Larry's family

I knew Larry at St Jerome school. We became friends for the short time he was there. I recall he was always happy and doing something which got him laughing. After grade 4 or 5, I never seen him again. RIP old friend.

Garry Weisflock, January 7, 2025

Family, Marya and his many friends

Glad we got to see Dobie late fall before I returned to Toronto.
Larry was one of the easiest friends to get along with, always cheerful and smiling.
He was my pinball competition after hours at the Kirkland Lake Hotel playing till the wee hours. He was a fishing partner, a euchre partner and mischievous partner, mostly the later.
Too many memories to post. He was a great one...sorrily missed. RIP

Robert and Barbara , January 8, 2025


Thanks for knowing you for 50 years, Dobie. Almost busted by the cops... Dobie and I left the Birchmount bar in Toronto at 1 am driving at 200 km per hour/hr in 60 km zone. With half a bottle of whiskey between my legs, Dobie with a big joint in his mouth. The Detectives stopped us, we thought they wanted to race!! The cops were looking for two bank robbers in the same kinda car. Cops let us go, Dobie had to take the time to get out and thank them. Somehow, we got home OK. The next day, two people in suits come down the driveway at home. Dobie was trying to hide the pot in the basement, surprise the two men were JW's. Dobie's parting words, "Your too much for me I'm going back to Dobie." Always fun and action!!!

Doug Barker, January 8, 2025