19 messages received
Adam and Valerie
Very sorry to hear of the passing of your dear father, his legacy lives on through his beautiful children...cherish the memories.
Christiane McFadgen
chris mcfadgen, July 25, 2024
Adam and family
So sorry to hear of your dad's passing. Condolences to you and your family

May my support
warm your heart
Steve and Joanne Coupland, July 25, 2024
Adam and Valerie
So sorry to hear about your Dads Passing. Keep his memories close to your heart!

May my support
warm your heart
Mike and Judy Robichaud, July 25, 2024
Adam, Valerie and Families
We would like to offer our sincere sympathy and empathy on your Dads sudden passing, our thoughts and prayers are with you all,
Marc, Cindy, Jordan Gaudreau, July 25, 2024
The family
Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your dad.
Doug & Debbie Yade, July 25, 2024
Valerie and Adam
Sending you both love and strength in the days ahead. He was very proud of both of you and always made sure to tell me this regularly. Condolences to both of you and your families.
Fiona , July 25, 2024
Adam & Valerie & Family
I'm so sorry to hear about Marc Ive known him since my childhood he went to school with my brothers and I knew both his parents when they were superintendents of the Tweedsmuir Senior Apartments. His kids and gra dkids will certainly miss him along with old friends. RIP Marc
Nicole Moreau, July 25, 2024
Adam and Valerie
Your dad was always so proud of both of you! Cherish all of those wonderful memories. Take good care!
Tom Armstrong, July 25, 2024
The family
I am so sorry for your loss. Our deepest condolences to you and your family
Tina Bailey, Francis Dorval , July 25, 2024
The Sawyer Family, and Friends
I Haven't seen or talked to Marc in years, but will cherish the talks and laughs we had together, so sorry for your families loss. RIP

May my support
warm your heart
Judy (Cale) Gervais, July 25, 2024
Valeria and Adam
My sincere condolences on the loss of your dad . He and I played a lot of hockey together and were friends . I’m so sorry for your loss .
James Taylor, July 25, 2024
Adam and Karlee
Dear Adam, Val and families, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your father. I will always remember Marc as a hard working, loving and caring person. We went to school today. I worked with Marc for 14 years at the Medical Centre and he would do anything to help. He ALWAYS carried a great conversation, would always put a smile on my face, lightened my sadness when I needed it by his caring words, advice and jokes. He talked a lot about you and Val in how much he loved the two of you. You two were his ENTIRE world. He told me this over and over again. We never walked by each other without stopping and chatting. He would update me with what was going on in his life and the hardship he was going through towards the last couple of years of his life. The last time we spoke was at the doctor’s office and I had wished that they did not call me in for my appointment as we were having such a great conversation. Although what he was going through at the time, he always had that contagious smile. He left this earth way way too soon. My heart is broken for all of you. He sure will be missed by all that knew him. Sending you all my sincere condolences!!! Micheline and Paul Guertin

May my support
warm your heart
Micheline and Paul Guertin, July 25, 2024
the Sawyer family
Marc was one of my classmates at Assumption and St-Joseph schools. He was a very gentle human being.
My deepest condolences. I am truly sorry for your loss.
Louis Heon, July 26, 2024
The Sawyer Family
Marc was a good man and a wonderful friend. I always enjoyed catching up with him when the chance arose. Another KL special gone too soon. RIP. Condolences to the family.
Mike Bowman, July 26, 2024
Adam, Val & families
So sorry to hear about your dad! My heart goes out to all of you!
Lorrie, July 26, 2024
Val & Adam
Val & Adam.....We are so very sorry to hear of your dad's passing. He was a good neighbor when he lived on Third. I hadn't run into him at all in a while. Our sincere condolences to you both.
Charlene & Rick Owen

May my support
warm your heart
Charlene & Rick Owen , July 26, 2024
The Sawyer Family
I am very sorry to receive the news of Marc’s death. I taught Marc so many years ago and always enjoyed having him as a student! He was always interesting and friendly to speak with then and later as a citizen of KL. Some good memories!
I am so sorry for family’s loss- Brian Hamilton
Brian Hamilton , July 27, 2024
The Sawyer Family
I got to know Marc and his brother Mike during the years they lived on Hudson Bay Avenue and would often stop into Goldland Billiards. I always enjoyed seeing them and later in life I would coach Adam in minor hockey which afforded me the opportunity to see Marc frequently at the rink. God Bless the family during this difficult time️

May my support
warm your heart
Jerry and Liz Robazza, July 29, 2024
Adam and Valerie
I was so very heartbroken to hear of your dad's passing. Marc was a kind and loving soul.
In 2006, we had a St. Joseph reunion. He was very kind in opening up his home on 3rd Street to all of us. He took pride in making everything just perfect. I was so grateful for his help.
We often talked. He will be missed dearly. My prayers and condolences.
Connie Wilberforce, July 31, 2024