Dobratz, Marie Paulette - Obituaries | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Dobratz, Marie Paulette

DOBRATZ, Marie Paulette

1952 - 2024

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Marie Paulette (Paulie), on February 22, 2024, at the age of 71.

Paulette loved life in general. She had a great sense of humor and a sharp memory. She loved to tell stories and she could name every single member of one family.

Her passion for music was inevitable. She would sit in her grey recliner with her headphones on listening to her tunes singing along and tapping her feet. Her tunes were the oldies. Her top hits were American Woman by Lenny Kravits, Eight Days a Week by the Beetles, You Are My Sunshine by Jasmine Thompson and Daydream Believer by The Monkess.

She volunteered at The Salvation Army once a week for many years. Her favorite activity was to go for a drive and of course shopping. She loved to shop at Dollar Store and Giant Tiger at any time of the day. Before heading home, a stop was made at Tim Horton’s for a diet coke and a plain donut.

Paulette was predeceased by her husband Francis. She is survived by her far away friend Tina Schukan Davidson whom she loved dearly. She is also survived by her friends and staff of Community Living Kirkland Lake.

A celebration of life will be held at 4 Tweedsmuir Road on April 5, 2024, at 1 p.m.

Life Well Lived

A life well- lived is a precious gift of hope and strength and grace,

From someone who has made our world a brighter, better place.

It’s filled with moments, sweet and sad.

With smiles and sometimes tears,

With friendships formed and good times shared,

And laughter through the years,

A life well-lived is a legacy,

Of joy and pride and pleasure,

A living lasting memory,

Our grateful hearts will treasure.

Author unknown

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7 messages received

The family of Marie Paulette Dobratz

I send my deepest sympathy during this difficult time of sorrow. The Bible gives a comforting hope and promise your loved one will live again on a beautiful paradise earth when death will be no more. (John 5:28, 29; Revelation 21:4)

Gael Ellis , February 28, 2024

Paulettes family

Condolences to Paulettes family she was a nice lady I use to love when she would talk to me and tell me all the places she would go to and she draw it out on her hand you will be missed Paulette rip

Sheldon Jones , February 28, 2024


I love you a bushel and a peck.. a bushel and a peck and a hug around your neck.
You are so beautiful to me, can't you see? You're everything I hoped for, you're everything I need. You are so beautiful to me ️
Here comes Peter cotton tail, hopping down the bunny trail. Hippity hopity Easter's on it's way.. HeeeeHawww!
I love you Miss Paulie Wog, forever and always

Nancy Chartrand , February 28, 2024

Community Living

Paulie, you are the most interesting person that I ever loved. Say hey to the big guy for me, and hope you and Francis are dancing up a storm right now. There will never be another you!

Sally Melong, February 28, 2024


Rest in Peace Paulette.
You were a remarkable woman.
The stories you told and the memories that were shared have put a smile on my face for the past 12 years and for that alone, you will be missed.
My sincerest condolences to those who loved her.

Jim Fox, February 28, 2024

Family, friends and Staff of CLKL

My heartfelt sympathies go out to friends, family and staff. The care and love Pauline was given was genuine and full of compassion. Being a former RPN of CLKL and having been a part of Pauline’s care, I had the grace of getting to know her, be part of her life and will treasure the memories of the laughs we shared. She truly was a remarkable and loving woman. May she rest peacefully
(Pauline! Please give my Blacky some kisses for me!️)
Love Christine

Christine Harrington, February 28, 2024

Family, friends & the Staff of CLKL

My sincere condolences on the passing of Paulette. I had the pleasure of working with her when I worked at First street. She had personality plus & if your day wasn't going perfect, she could sense it & would turn your day into a better one & have you laughing so hard.
Especially the time she joked around & told me she put the darn cat in the freezer. Then she burst out laughing & said "I'm just joking" What a girl! Lol
I love you then, I love you now, my sweet Paulie you'll always be!!

Patricia , March 1, 2024