Levinksi, Patricia - Obituaries | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Levinksi, Patricia

LEVINKSI, Patricia

1952 - 2022

It is with great sadness the Levinski family announces the passing of
Patricia Levinski at Extendicare in Kirkland Lake on December 16, 2022. Patty will be missed by all that knew her.

Patty was born in Kirkland Lake in 1952. After her childhood, she went on to pursue a career in Nursing. After completing Nursing school in Parry Sound, Patty was immediately hired on at a small nursing home we had in Kirkland Lake called the Chateau which used to be the home of Sir Harry Oakes. After a few years of working there she applied to the hospital where she was hired as an RPN. She embraced this work whole heatedly and was always excited to go to work.  During her several years working at the KL  hospital she made many dear friends. Patty transferred to other departments during her career and gained valuable experience in Pediatrics,  Obstetrics, the nursery, the Emergency Dept, as well as 4 East and 4 West. She also nursed at the Kirkland Lake Medical centre back when it was located on Second Street. She had a love for life, her family close friends and especially her mother.

Patty is predeceased by her brother William, her father Thomas, her mother Jenny Brydges, mother in law June and Walter Levinski.  She leaves behind her husband Perry Levinski, daughter Jamie Levinski, son in law Greg Collins, Sister in law Diane Brydges and her two daughters Mitzie and Kelly, as well as Brenda and Lorne Howey and their son Dustin and Donna and her two daughters Kailee and Brittany and Chris Ackles. Patty was also very close to her cousins Kenny and his wife Ray and Lee Sweet as well as Anamika who treated her more like a sister.

We would like to convey our warmest thanks to all the staff at Extendicare, especially those who had direct contact with Patty on a daily basis. There are simply too many people to name without missing someone. The comfort and care she received at the nursing home was exceptional.  On many occasions when I went to visit her, she would be waiting with her hair all washed and braided. To Patty, braiding and brushing her hair was something she always loved. I have seen on so very many occasions where the staff went out of their way to make Patty’s day better. They demonstrated a certain kind of care, patience, and love that you simply don't learn in school. This one on one care comes from the heart. Patty had many health issues which eventually she was no longer able to fight.

There will be a celebration of life held for Patty in the spring, where all family and friends can meet at Tower Street Baptist church to share in the memory of Patty.

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14 messages received


so sorry for your loss Perry

jim colquhoun, December 20, 2022

The Levinski Family

Perry I am truly sorry to hear of Patricia’s passing. My deepest condolences to you and daughter. May she “Rest In Peace”!
Ms. Michelle St. Georges

MS. Michelle St. Georges, December 21, 2022

Perry & Family

Sorry sorry t hear of the loss. She was an exceptional individual who fought a long battle with illness... the pain is now over.

May she rest in peace


Patrick Kiely, December 21, 2022

Perry Jaimie and family

Patty was a very dedicated nurse. She showed everyone respect and treated them with dignity. She had a great sense of humour and could take kidding with open arms. May all those wonderful memories that you shared with Patty surround your heart at this time and carry you through your loss.

Doug and Frankie

Doug and Frankie Bradley, December 21, 2022

Perry and family

We are so sorry for your loss. Please accept our prayers during your time of loss.

Stan Skalecki, December 21, 2022

Levinsky family

I send heartfelt condolences to Perry and family. I've know you all so long and have so many beautiful memories of us all. God bless you all, especially during this time of the year.

Brian Briscoe, December 22, 2022

The Levinski family

So saddened to learn of Patty's passing. We extend our sincere condolences on this sad occasion.

Esa and Lynn, December 22, 2022


We are truly sorry to hear of the passing of Patty. Sincere condolences.

Doug & Debbie Yade , December 22, 2022

Levinski Family

Heartfelt condolences......Patty.....you’ve been through a lot, now rest in peace.

Linda Wilson, December 24, 2022

Perry Levinsky

Sorry to hear of Patty passing! My condolences from me and my family! Ian

Ian DeJoseph, December 27, 2022

Perry & Jamie

Deepest condolences on the loss of your wife/mother...I truly enjoyed knowing Patty all those years ago. She was a genuine, kind soul who loved life to the fullest. As years go by, people lose contact with each other, but her memory brings me a smile....RIP Patty❤

Laura Gagnon , December 28, 2022

Levinski Family

So very sorry to hear about Patty….she and I worked together many years ago at the hospital…she was a very dedicated nurse and kind to her patients and friends…may she Rest In Peace.

Diane Kasner, December 29, 2022

To Perry and Family

I first met Patty in 1975. We nursed together for many yrs. She was loving and kind. I gave Patty many a ride home from work on afternoon shift. She loved to stop at Timmy's for coffee. Rest in peace Patty.
Love Judy Mills.

Judy Mills , January 1, 2023

Friends and Family and Kirkland Site

I remember very well an always positive attitude when we spoke. But what I always remember is how, when my mother was close to passing, she would take time to visit her and they shared Bible scripture together. Thank you Patty!

ROY FITZGERALD, February 5, 2023