Bélanger (née Morin), Rose-Aimée - Obituaries | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Bélanger (née Morin), Rose-Aimée


1923 - 2023

 In loving memory of Rose-Aimée Bélanger (née Morin) who passed away on November 12, 2023. Born on July 4, 1923 in Guérin, Quebec, she was 100 years old and surrounded by family in her final hour.

Rose-Aimée is predeceased by her husband Laurent, her sons Louis (Linda Moses) and Charles. She is survived by her children: Charlotte (Guy Lavictoire), Pierre (Françoise Charlebois ), Louise (Ross Woodward), Nicole (Bernard Trottier), Renée (Paul St-Louis), Jean (Anne-Marie Émond) and Maria (Marc Killeen). She is also survived by her sister-in-law Rita Bélanger (late François Bisson), as well as numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren.

The family invites you to a religious service to be held at Saint-Jean Baptiste church in Earlton on November 25 at 11 o’clock. The family will receive condolences as of 10 a.m.

In lieu of flowers the family would appreciate a donation to the Rose-Aimée Bélanger bursary fund at Fondation Communautaire du Temiskaming (www.fcdt.ca/dons).The bursary supports young people’s artistic development.


When: Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 10 a.m.

Where: St-Jean Baptiste Church

Address: 31, 10th Street, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0

Memorial Mass:

When: Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 11 a.m.

Where: St-Jean Baptiste Church

Address: 31, 10th Street, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0


When: Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 12:30 p.m.

Where: Earlton Cemetery

Address: 126085, Church Street, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0

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  • En savoir plus During this time of confinement, we are aware that those who are grieving are not receiving all the support they need. Express your support symbolically. Be close to them differently!
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18 messages received


My deepest sympathies Renee. I have fond memories of visits to your home, your family and have long admired your mother, her exceptional recovery and the talent that flourished for so many years.

Jeanne (Despres) Urban, Calgary , November 17, 2023

To the family

My most sincere condolences to the family. As we all reflect on Rose Aimee's life, and the affect that she had on everyone that she met, we will miss knowing that she is not there to share our joy or our heartbreak, through all the things that we and she experienced during her life. I was lucky enough to get to know her, and I will really miss knowing that she is no longer with us to share our memories. I hope that fond memories of the past will help you through these difficult days.

John Houston, November 18, 2023

À toute la famille

Mes pensées vous accompagnent chers cousins et cousines. Tante Rose-Aimée aura eu une longévité féconde. Elle nous laisse un bel exemple d'accomplissement. Toute ma sympathie en ce temps difficile.

Maryse, November 18, 2023

Famille de Rose-Aimée Bélanger

J'ai la chance de "partager ma vie" avec une oeuvre de votre parente. Elle embellit ma vie comme Rose-Aimée a dû embellir la vôtre. Toutes mes condoléances à la famille.

Martine Prince, November 18, 2023

Famille de Rose Aimee

Mes sincères condoléances à vous tous. Après une vie si bien remplie , là où elle est maintenant,elle y trouve le repos. Mes pensées et mes prières sont avec vous.

Hélène de la Chevrotière , November 19, 2023

M.Jean Bélanger, Mme Anne-Marie Emond et à toute la famille de Mme Belanger

J’ai appris avec tristesse ce soir, le décès de Mme Rose-Aimée Bélanger…
Quelle artiste et quelle femme. Elle a toujours eu toute mon admiration, car j’ai le plaisir quotidien de regarder et d’apprécier quelques unes de ces
oeuvres. J’ai aussi eu le plaisir de vous rencontrer M. Jean Bélanger et Mme Emond. Mes très sincères condoléances à vous et votre famille.
De tout coeur. Johanne Morin

Johanne Morin, November 19, 2023

The family of Rose-Aimee Balancer Morin

I send my sincere condolences during this time of sorrow. The Bible promises that your loved one will live again on a beautiful paradise earth when death will be no more. (John 5:28, 29; Revelation 21:4)

Gail Floyd , November 19, 2023

The Belanger family

My sincere condoleances to the family. I had the pleasure to enjoy your dear Mom at St.Viateur, while visiting Mom. It wasn't that long ago that our Mothers spent quality time together. May her smile and the memories you share keep you in her embrace.
Denise (Rivest) & Andy Modowan

Denise , November 20, 2023

Louise and family

Sending heartfelt sympathy to you

Janet and Bill Weiss, November 20, 2023

Famille Bélanger et Morin

Although flowers wither, die and disappear, their precious perfume remains. Like these bright flowers, those we love never die, they remain with us forever imprinted in our memories.

Louiselle et Florian Brousseau, November 21, 2023

À toute la famille

Mes sincères condoléances pour la perte de votre mère, une femme d'exception et une grande artiste. Sur le chemin du retour à Ottawa cet été j'ai acquis "Délice", une ode au bonheur quotidien et à la douce mémoire de votre mère.

Paul Laurin et aussi de la part de mes soeurs, Diane, Ghislaine et Nicole.

PAUL LAURIN, November 23, 2023

Famille belanger

À toi Charlotte et membres de la famille , mes sincères condoléances. Votre mère est un modèle d’inspiration en tous les sens . Elle vous laisse un un bel héritage de valeurs.
Amitiés Charlotte .

MARIELLE Falardeau Lemire, November 23, 2023


I am saddened to hear of your mother’s passing. I enjoyed meeting her at her home studio and I enjoy the company of her sculptures daily. She is and always will be an inspiration.

shay Cunningham, November 23, 2023


Galerie Blanche and their team would like to express our deepest condolences to the family. Rose-Aimée Bélanger was an integral part of the arts and culture community in Montréal, Québec. Her contributions have left a lasting impact on the artistic community, and her legacy will continue to inspire future generations. We are honoured to have been a part of showcasing her incredible artistry to the world for the past 16 years. Her passion and dedication will be greatly missed.

Her sculptures were not only visually beautiful but also captured the essence of human emotion. Each piece tells a unique story, inviting viewers to connect with their own memories and experiences. Rose-Aimée's legacy as a talented artist and storyteller continues to inspire and resonate with collectors and art enthusiasts worldwide.

Lyne Parent, November 24, 2023

Famille Rose-Aimée Bélanger

Nos sincères sympathies aux membres de la famille éprouvées. Nos pensées et prières sont avev vous pendant cette période difficile.

Yvon Toupin, November 24, 2023

Maria and the Belanger Family

Our thoughts are with you at this very sad time. Your mother's art will always be lasting legacy to her amazing talent. Memories of her will always be in your heart.

Robert Killeen and Donna Brice , November 24, 2023

Charlotte et famille

En ce moment de recueil et de prières, nos pensées vous accompagnent. Quelle vie riche d’accomplissements vous célébrez! Vous avez toutes les raisons d’être fiers de cette grande Dame mais de là où elle est, elle a tout le loisir d’être bien fière de vous tous.
Puisse nos pensées vous transmettre un peu de réconfort!

Madeleine Lamoureux et Michel Locas

Madeleine Lamoureux, November 25, 2023

À la famille

Mon conjoint et moi sommes des amoureux des sculptures de Madame Bélanger. Nous avons le plaisir de contempler Les Chuchoteuses tous les jours .
Nous voulons vous dire notre admiration profonde pour cette femme hors du commun. Nos plus sincères condoléances.
Pauline Marois, première ministre du Québec ( 2012-2014) et Claude Blanchet

Pauline Marois, December 7, 2023