Spencer, Thomas Douglas "Doug" - Obituaries | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Spencer, Thomas Douglas "Doug"

SPENCER, Thomas Douglas "Doug"

1953 - 2024

It is with deep sorrow, the family announces the peaceful passing of our dear Doug Spencer, on February 13th, 2024, where he was surrounded by loving family. The Spencer family would like to thank friends and loved ones, from near and far as well as our amazing community, for their kindness and support through this difficult time.

As per Doug’s wishes, all donations will be directed to the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation, where he received the utmost professional care.

A complete obituary to follow. A celebration of life at a later date.

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60 messages received

Janet & family

May you find comfort in the memories of this man’s great life

Michelle camirand , February 15, 2024

Janet and family

Dear Janet….we were so sorry to hear this sad news.Doug was such a nice man.We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.

Irene and Jack Drainville, February 15, 2024

Janet Spencer

So sorry for your loss.

Kellie Thompson, February 15, 2024

Janet and family

Please know that my thoughts are with you all. Doug was a very special person. Always with a smile and a quiet sense of humor. I know that you all have many great memories of him to call on when times get to be a lot to handle. I'm sending my prayers and hugs for you and all your "friends and neighbors".

Beverly Andersen, February 15, 2024

Janet, Jason, Cheri and families and the Spencer family

We are sending our heartfelt condolences on the passing of Doug.
His love for Janet and the kids and grandkids, of our community and especially his love for the lake will never be forgotten.
May he rest in peace
Sincerely, Darren & Carol Hesrn and family

Hearn, February 15, 2024

Janet and family

Sorry for your loss ! Louise and I send you our condolences!

Ian and Louise DeJoseph, February 15, 2024

Janet, Jason, Cheri

So sad for all of you. He will be missed.️

Al and Shirley, February 15, 2024

Janet, Jason and Cheri

We were deeply saddened to hear of Doug’s passing, it came as such a shock.

May your cherished memories make your difficult days ahead a little easier. You are all in our thoughts.

Colleen & Pete Matthews , February 15, 2024

Janet, Jason, Cheri

Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Beautiful memories of his smile and kindness shared specially with the children will be cherished.
We offer you and your family our deepest condolences.

Anne, Chelsie, Cole & Alaya , February 15, 2024


My sincere condolences for your loss. May all your good memories, family and friends help you through this tough time.

Jane Stewart Rosenthal , February 15, 2024

Janet and Family

Sorry to hear about my friend and ex neighbor(even after threatening him that I would call the police if he plowed my driveway ..he continued)

A friend in the Lions club
We always joked around while donating our time.

RIP May the many memories help you in this unfortunate timr

Richard Ax, February 15, 2024

Janet and family

Dear Janet:

We are deeply saddened by the news of Doug’s passing. We will always remember his great smile! Sending hugs your way.

Pauline and Jim Sheldon, February 15, 2024

Janet, Cheri, Jason & families

So sorry to hear about Doug. Our deepest condolences

The Remillard family , February 15, 2024

Janet and family

Thinking of you during this difficult time.

Lyanne Wadge, February 15, 2024

Janet & family

We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Our sympathies.

Janet Dunn & Basil, February 15, 2024

Janet Spencer

So sorry for your loss Condolences to you and your family

Bruce and Barbara Jacks, February 15, 2024

Janet, family and friends

Dear Janet, this is such sad news, time together is priceless, love unmeasured. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Lydia Barton, February 15, 2024

Janet and Family

Larry and I were so sorry to hear the news of Doug..
Our thoughts and prayers are sent to you Janet and family during this time.
Larry and Kathy Trahan

Kathy and Larry Trahan , February 15, 2024

Janet and family

Thinking of you and your family with love and sincere sympathy.

Debbie Proctor, February 15, 2024

Janet and family

Sorry to hear such sad news. Doug was a kind soul and will be missed by all who had the pleasure to know him. Condolences to the family

Bruce James, February 15, 2024

Janet Spencer and family

So sorry to hear of the passing of Doug. We will miss seeing you guys in the lake. Our deepest condolences.

Corinna & Gaetan Dallaire, February 15, 2024

Janet and family

I'm so sorry to hear about Doug.
You will all be in my thoughts and prayers

Pat Morgan , February 15, 2024


So saddened to know of Doug’s passing. You & the family are in my thoughts & prayers.

Susan White , February 15, 2024


We are so sorry to hear of Doug’s passing.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at such a difficult time.
Helen & Bob

Helen Johnson , February 15, 2024

Janet & Family

I am so sorry to read this news. Deepest heartfelt condolences to Janet & all the families. RIP Doug.

Carol Lonsdale, February 15, 2024

Jan and family

Doug’s passing is a great loss and we will all miss him. He was always a special cousin to me and a great friend of our family.

We are so sorry for your loss Jan - keep strong and keep well.

Marc Spencer and Bev Sitter, February 15, 2024

Janet and all the Spencer family

I still see Doug fishing from the pontoon boat across from the Landry cottage.
Sending our condolences today.

Marg & Chuck Plaunt, February 16, 2024

Janet and family, John and family

We are thinking about you all. I always feel especially far away at moments like this. We are happy to hear you have had good support. Friends and family are so important everyday and especially at times like this. As was written in the first obituary the northern Ontario and lake community are special ones. Doug contributed himself in so many ways. We were lucky enough to take over the awesome pig roast tradition for a number of years. Every time we take our boat out we will be able to think about Doug. The fact that Doug hung out with Josef Vierheilig many years ago was a special connection for me, because Josef had been a special person in my childhood. Feel hugged from afar.

Angela and Dirk Conrad and Theresia Moeltner, February 16, 2024

Janet and family

Janet, we are so sorry for your loss.
He was such a great man. His smile we never will forget.
Our hearts are broken.
We had so many good memories with you guys.
It is so sad.
Thinking of you and your family.
Our deepest condolences for the family.

Karin and Alex, February 16, 2024

Jason, Tammy & Family& Spencer Family

We are so sorry for your loss. Please know you are in our thoughts as you navigate the days ahead. Sending BIG HUGS to all

Gloria & David Woodhouse, February 16, 2024

Janet and family

Bob and I want to extend our deepest sympathy to you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Carla Drury and Bob St. Jean, February 16, 2024

Janet and family

My heart goes out to you as I send my heartfelt sympathy to you. May all your wonderful memories be a comfort to you in the days and years to come.

Nicky Desmarais Winter, February 16, 2024


Janet..... so sorry to hear of Doug's passing.... you had a lot of good years together....hold on to the memories.... take care...

Marsha, February 16, 2024

Janet Cheri Jason and families

What a shock to hear of Doug’s passing
He was a super great guy
Our prayers are with you and your families at this time
Lioness Jo-Ann Hatherly and Dorm

Jo-Ann Hatherly, February 16, 2024


So very sorry to hear that Doug passed away. Our thoughts are with you.

Sue and Alan Dubois , February 16, 2024

Janet Spencer

Our deepest condolences Janet and family. He was such a wonderful husband and friend to so many of us. He will be missed by us all. RIP Doug. Gait and Darlene Drainville

Darlene Drainville, February 16, 2024

Janet and Family

Please accept our sincerest sympathies on the passing of Doug. He was loved by so many, a great contributor to the community and he will be missed by so many near and far.
Pat Strah, Nancy Strah Gorman and family

Nancy Strah Gorman, February 16, 2024

Janet and family

We are sending our sincere condolences to all of you. Doug always had a smile on his face whenever we met .May your treasured memories help you all thru this difficult time.

Garfield and Marlene Jelly, February 16, 2024

Janet and Family

Janet and family I am very sorry to hear of Doug's passing.. Love and condolences to all..

Sharon Reynolds, February 16, 2024

Janet Spencer and the Spencer family

So saddened to hear of Doug’s passing. The Spencers were our next-door neighbours on Grant Street growing up and Doug was unfailingly kind, even as a young boy. As an adult he was such a decent, fair man, funny and always helpful. My heart really goes out to you, Janet, and the extended families. Sleep softly, Doug.

Mary Kay Farmer, February 17, 2024

Janet and family

Janet, so sorry to read about Doug’s passing. May you find comfort in knowing that Doug is at peace and no longer in pain. Sincerely Rod Wert

Rod Wert, February 17, 2024

Janet & Family

Sorry to hear of Doug's passing. We are sending our deepest sympathies for your loss. Doug was a great guy and will be missed by all.

John & Brenda Henderson , February 17, 2024

Spencer family

So sorry for your loss Doug was such a nice man he will be missed for sure

Aline Plante, February 17, 2024

The family

The memories I have of Doug is him rushing into the store to pick up the watches that needed batteries and mentioning golf - assisting others or driving the hay wagon. He was telling me he had been doing this for years and how much he enjoyed it

A gentle soul indeed. Hugs to the family.

Therese Dower

Therese Dower, February 17, 2024

Janet and family

We are so sorry for your loss

Peter and Judy Bowman, February 17, 2024

Janet and family

May I extend my heartfelt sympathy to you at this difficult time. I know that you have a very supportive group of friends and neighbors to help you deal with the grief at this time. The Spencer family have been an integral part of the business core of New Liskeard for years.
Rest In Peace Doug.

Richard Sherritt, February 18, 2024

Janet and family

Herb and I offer our deepest sympathy for your great loss . Jocelyn and Curtis send their condolences too. He will be greatly missed by his many friends and family.

Diane and Herb Morin, February 18, 2024

Janet and Family

We were saddened by this news about Doug. He has left us with memories that will last forever. Doug will always be remembered for his love of family, love of cigars, martinis, hunting,fishing and his kindness. He will be missed. Our most sincere condolences to Janet and the family.

Terry and Maureen, February 19, 2024

Janet & family

We are so sorry to hear of Doug's passing. Please accept our heartfelt condolences.

John & Ann

John & Ann Winter, February 19, 2024

Janet and family

My condolences to you all for the loss of Doug , loved by all who knew him. I have very fond memories of time spent with you all in the family home on the waterfront. He will be greatly missed. Love Jane

Jane Cunningham , February 20, 2024

Janet and Family

Barrie and I were so very sorry to hear of Doug's passing.
He was a very special person to all who knew him and he will be missed but he leaves behind wonderful memories.
Our condolences to you and your family.
Barrie & Kathy Brayford.

Kathy Brayford, February 20, 2024


oh no - so sorry to hear this.
verrry sorry for your loss….he was such a nice guy
my condolences to the whole family

carolyn , February 20, 2024

Janet & Family

We are so sorry to hear about Doug, an unbelievable lose for you Janet and your family. He was a friend too so many, with his easy smile, great conversations and warmth. I always enjoyed our chats and sharing a laugh or two on Wednesdays. Take care Patti & Jim

Jim & Patti Foley, February 20, 2024


Doug was always friendly, helpful, kind and had a great smile. He will be missed by many. You will find comfort in your memories. My condolences to you and family

Carole Leukert, February 20, 2024


So sorry for your loss you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Take care

Lise Lachapelle, February 21, 2024

Janet Spencer & Family

So sorry to read about Doug’s passing. We had so many fun times on Fairy Lake & Twin Lakes. Cherish all the happy memories. Hugs.

Diane Croisier, February 23, 2024

Janet, Jason, Cheri

Please accept my sincerest sympathy for your loss. I am thinking of you all and sending love and comfort during this difficult time.
Doug was a special person who will be deeply missed by many. Memories for me from high school and beyond! Please know that you are not alone and the love of others is always here to lift you up.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Florann Shaw, February 23, 2024

Janet and all the wonderful family!

We are so saddened to hear the passing of Doug!
Our sincere condolences!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Hugs !
Val and Jeanne Sweet

Val, Jeanne Sweet, February 26, 2024

Dear Janet and Family

James and I are both saddened to hear of Dougs passing. We enjoyed talking with Doug on the trails at the pumpkin patch and in the store. He always had a smile on his face and a heart of gold. He always had the time to chat. You will be missed Doug.

Cathy Jewell, James Bryenton, March 9, 2024

The Spencer Family

Please accept our sincerest sympathies. Doug was a lovely man and will be missed by so many near and far.
Pat Strah and Nancy Strah Gorman and family

Nancy, April 15, 2024