Poljakov, Andrei - Avis de décès | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Poljakov, Andrei


1981 - 2023

It is with extreme sadness and heavy hearts that we announce Andrei Poljakov's passing, which was sudden and occurred in his home on April 22nd, 2023. He was 41 years young and was born in Tartu, Estonia (formerly Soviet Union) on September 16, 1981. In 1996, when Andrei and Pavel were just 14 years old, their family moved to Canada.

For a good portion of his life Andrei lived in Kirkland Lake, where he would become well known as "The Russian" to his many, many friends. Andrei was an avid hunter and fisherman, he truly did have a heart as big, as all outdoors. Andrei had an intense love for cooking and loved sharing meals with everyone. He was someone, you could always ask for help, and he would have your back. Andrei was very generous with his time, and always made it a point to be a sympathetic ear or shoulder to lean on for anyone that needed him. He was incredibly charismatic and could always be found cracking a joke and making everyone laugh. Anyone, that ever had the pleasure of meeting Andrei, would tell you, that he was incredibly friendly.He had a deep love of life and energy to match that. He could always be found learning a new skill or acquiring a new book to digest. He truly left an imprint on anyone, who had the pleasure of ever meeting him. Andrei's absolute favorite holiday was Halloween, everything from decorating his entire home, to owning a few dozen costumes.
Andrei was always excited and full of hope about his future. It shone as bright as his personality.

Andrei is going to be deeply missed by his family and friends. He is survived by his parents, Juri and Irina Poljakov, his twin brother Pavel, sister-in-law Irina, his two wonderful sons Andre (AJ) and Scott, his niece Victoria, and many other family members and friends in Canada: Nathalie Roberge, Melany Lapointe, Leana Bernier, Carole Lessard and Mark Bertrand. Andrei also leaves behind family members in Estonia, who will miss him dearly - his aunts Olga and Tatiana and uncle Oleg, as well as his cousins Alexei and Julia Vodeneyev and Alexei Anissin and Jevgenia Aleksejeva.

We hope you have found your forever beach and are enjoying your time there until we meet again.

A Celebration of Life will be held Tuesday May 2, 2023 freom 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Kirkland Lake Legion, all are welcome to join in the memory of Andrei. 


25 messages reçus

Polkavov Family

To all the Family, my Sincere Condolences. It was such a privilege to have met him and a close friend. Courage to everyone. “What though the radiance that was once so bright, be now forever taken from my sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.”

Jean Lozeau, le 28 avril 2023

Poljakov Family

I extend my sincere condolences to Andrei's family and friends. I had the fortunate opportunity to know, interact, and teach Andrei when he was a student at Northern College - Kirkland Lake Campus.

Andrei always had a very cheerful, enthusiastic, optimistic disposition when interacting with friends, teachers, colleagues. He was always very respectful to all.

Whatever problematic situation arose, Andrei had his unique, as he called it "Russian" solution to things. He was liked for that unique trait.

Again, I offer my sincere condolences to Andrei's family and friends. He will be missed.

Stephen Boaro, le 28 avril 2023

All of the family near and far away

Please accept our most sincere sympathies on the recent, sudden loss of Andrei. We can’t imagine the sorrow you must be feeling as a result of his passing. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you all during this difficult time.

Pierre and Renate Belanger, le 28 avril 2023


When the sky dances we know you'll be there
Watching laughing making those jokes we all love. I'm really going to miss you russian.
We will never forget you or the way you made this place better. Rest easy. Love Alien ️

Sav, le 28 avril 2023

The Poljakov’s

Very sad. Andrei was a great guy RIP ️

Darren Porritt, le 28 avril 2023

to all the family

my sympathy goes to pavel and irina and aj sorry for your loss andree was a good man a good father and nice to talk to he will be missed and victoria and his other son scott

francine charbonneau, le 28 avril 2023

The Russian

I only had the honour of meeting Andrei for a weekend, but my sister and neices spoke highly of him. I knew I would like you right away and I did. We all got together to go dancing and it's still one of my favourite nights! You treated my family with such dignity and respect and my nieces with such love. You even checked in and offered words of wisdom and support to myself in my times of turmoil.
You will be missed and throughly remembered

Lindsay, le 28 avril 2023

Poljakov Family & Friends

When I first met Andrei he was a very sweet guy & welcoming in his circle of friends. Although I wasn't a close friend he always smiled when I said hi. Of course he always had something funny to say.

When I found out your son worked at YIG store I knew right away you were related. He is a very polite boy and I know he's going to miss you dearly but don't worry we r a small close-knit town & take care of our own. He will always have someone to talk to. RIP ANDREI

Nicole Moreau, le 28 avril 2023

Andrei's family and all of us extended family caled his friends.

I remember when him and Pavel first came to KLCVI. Grade 9 and working with them in math class. Andrei was such a kind soul that you could confide in at anytime. We've had some hilarious conversations over the years. I will them and His passion for life itself was amazing. I was so excited to see him soar with Primerica.

I'm so sorry for the loss of this amazing human. My sincere condolences to everyone this affects. Biggest hugs and so much love ️

You will be very much missed my friend. I hope you're fishing and doing all of the things you love up there. Till we meet again. Your math bestie!

Amanda MacDougall, le 28 avril 2023


Minu kaastunne sulle ja su perele.

Kristel, le 29 avril 2023

Juri, Irina, Pavel and Family

We were so shocked and saddened to receive the news concerning Andrei. We will always remember his optimistic and enthusiastic approach to life. Our conversations with him always left us feeling better .
This is a difficult time for all and we join with his many friends in sharing your sorrow!
Brian and Gale

Brian and Gale Hamilton , le 29 avril 2023

Poljakov Family

Please accept my most sincere sympathy on the recent, sudden loss of Andrei. I can’t imagine the sorrow you must be feeling as a result of his passing. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you all during this difficult time.
I had the pleasure of working with both Pavel and Andrei and I can tell you Andrei you will be greatly missed. Andrei taught me a lot about diamond drilling. Rip peace Andrei fly high

Sheldon jones, le 29 avril 2023

Pavel and Entire Family

I am deeply saddened from the news of Andrei's passing. I know that words can not comfort you in this time of loss. Wishing all of you strength and love. Andrei will live forever in your hearts. Sincerest condolences from the Blaauw Family.

Hendrik Blaauw, le 29 avril 2023

Poljiakov Family.

I am sorry for your lost. Andrei and I went to Northern collage together along time again. He will be miss.

Tiffany Ciccone, le 29 avril 2023

The Poljakov Family

Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of Andrei. I first met him when he worked at the grocery store (Dumas') as a student. He caught my attention because he had an accent which interested me and those beautiful eyes (I call them European eyes). I had a chat with him and he told me he was Estonian. Ever after when we passed me anywhere he would always be polite and say hello with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. I will always remember when the Russian hockey team came to K.L. Andrei and his brother were holding the Russian flag so proudly and their excitement was unforgettable. He had so many more years of life ahead and was taken way too soon. May the family find comfort in knowing that Andrei was well liked. RIP Andrei.

E. Beljawski, le 29 avril 2023

Family and friends of Andrei

My sincere condolences on your sad loss. A charismatic and kind person, he will be greatly missed by all who knew him. From, Lynda Clark-McTaggart

Lynda Clark-McTaggart, le 29 avril 2023

The family

Our heart goes out to each of you at this difficult time. Please accept our sincere condolences. We will miss Andrei’s contagious smile, his boundless enthusiasm and readiness to help.

Doug & Debbie Yade, le 29 avril 2023

Pavel, Irina, Victoria & Family

I was made aware of the loss of Andrei today, please accept my deepest sympathies and condolences to all who knew of his gentle and bright nature. I had the pleasure of meeting Andre through his brother Pavel while working at Tim Hortons. He was one of the most kind, warm and brightest individuals I have ever met. Truly the values that he lived in life will echo on in each of us, I don't have the words to express how much he will be missed. God speed Andrei, may your light live on in each of our hearts, and be a lesson to remind us not to fly too close to the sun.

Andrew Jeffery, le 29 avril 2023


My deepest sympathies. Meeting Andrei at Hallowe'en Pub Night was a special experience because of his charisma, smile, and determination to have a good time . Going for a walk to the sacred Stones with him was my first hike in the bush with someone carrying a hunting rifle. Happy memories of an amazing person.

Charlene, le 30 avril 2023

Andrei Poljakov

Always enjoyed your energy and brightness in my class at KLCVI and the many times we met on the street to exchange a few words. Your humour and hope for the future was contagious. We will miss your smile and laughter. You left this world too soon my friend. RIP

Stanley Galda, le 2 mai 2023

Poljakov family, & The Russian

Overwhelming sadness crashes into me like waves. There are moments where it doesn’t seem real at all, and there are times where it feels too real that I cannot breathe. Andrei was the most friendly, kind, loving human I’ve ever met. I will miss him so very much. In our next life I will meet you again Andrei ️

Justine Robinson , le 2 mai 2023

The Poljakov Family and Andrei's many friends

Words cannot adequately convey the shock and sadness we felt on learning of Andrei's passing. I taught Andrei in the Computer Studies department of Northern College, Kirkland Lake Campus. He was a solid and dependable student, but more importantly, he was a kind, generous, and genuine person whose infectious outlook on life never failed to cheer you up when you were down, and a true friend and ally on whom you could always count in times of trouble. Our sincerest condolences to Andrei's family, friends, and work colleagues. In these difficult times, we can find strength in the knowledge that our own lives were made just that much richer through the privilege of having gotten to know Andrei. Rest in peace, friend.

Richard Kallio and Laurie Bassett

Richard Kallio, le 2 mai 2023

Poljakov family

My sympathies to all. It’s been years since I’ve had contact with you Irina!
I knew Irina and Yuri and the boys in their early years in KL.
Please accept my heartfelt sympathy.

Sharon Royal , le 8 juin 2023

Близким Андрея

Мои соболезнования всем близким. Знал Андрея со школы. Это открытый и веселый человек. Очень жаль, что ушёл

Игорь , le 8 juillet 2023


Oh Irina, I was looking at the obits and saw the one of your son. I'm so sorry to hear this. I don't know if you remember me. I took a few piano lessons from you when you lived in Kirkland Lake. You had given me a nice pair of silver earrings.
I just wanted to say hello and express my sympathies to you and your husband.
Take care!

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Line Lamontagne , le 29 avril 2024

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