Coutts, Glen - Avis de décès | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Coutts, Glen


1924 - 2023

Obituary Announcement To Come. 

8 messages reçus

Linda & Marlene & family

He was a Uncle who was always there when you needed someone to talk to or get help & advice from. I always had a place to go to never had to ask just drop in & more than welcome. He always had a smile on his face I will miss you Uncle Glen my last Uncle in our family and to think you did your best to hang on for so many years we are all so happy we had you as long as possible You can now join the family outlook again and enjoy the meeting they are all planning for you I love & miss you Ellen

Ellen Coutts Graham, le 12 décembre 2023

Linda and Marlene and Family

Our sympathy to You and the Family. May he rest in peace. Ray and Virginia

Virginia Duval, le 13 décembre 2023

Linda, Marlene and Families

We were so sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. We are sure that all those old hunters will remember many hours, with him, travelling the back roads in search of Birds or Moose.
Our thoughts are with all of you at this difficult time.

Terry and Gale Hack, le 14 décembre 2023


Awe Tootie, you will be missed! It was my honor to work with you at the Englehart Hospital. Loved going into stores to share a laugh with you. You were always a happy person, could always lift a persons spirits up! Even if it was just to see that smile of yours! Huge hugs sent out to the family day. xoxoxo

Lana Ward, le 14 décembre 2023

Marlene, Linda and families

Thinking of everyone at this difficult time. We have very found memories of your dad. Memories last forever. ️. RIP Glen….

Lynda and Danny, le 16 décembre 2023

Linda, Marlene, and Family

We are sorry to hear of the passing of your Father. Glen was nice gentleman to chat with. He will be missed by all who knew him. Condolences to all.

Dean and Theresa Black, le 20 décembre 2023

Coutts Family

Such a sweet man. Rest well Glen. You're truly missed. Condolences to the family. Rest Well....

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Bren (TPR Dietary), le 24 décembre 2023

Linda, Marlene and family

Goodbye Uncle Glen, you are leaving us with wonderful memories!

Lorraine , le 12 janvier 2024

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