(Hanson) MacPherson, Valerie - Avis de décès | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

(Hanson) MacPherson, Valerie


1956 - 2024

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the death of Valerie Mae MacPherson on Friday, March 29th. Born in Kirkland Lake in 1956, ‘Val’ is predeceased by her parents Harris and Olive Hanson and survived by her devoted sister Linda (husband Stephen Halfpenny). Forty-eight years ago this summer she married her highschool sweetheart, Ian. They have a loving daughter Skye (husband Alan Laferriere). She is the proud aunt of three nieces, Amanda, Alicia and Lindsey and has been an engaged great-aunt.

Valerie was a natural entrepreneur. In the Spring of 1977, upon completing her post secondary studies, she and Ian went into the restaurant business in Kenogami. She also soon became a very successful sales associate for Weekender Ladies Wear Ltd., facilitating home fashion shows across Northeastern Ontario. In early 1986 she would again partner with Ian, taking over and expanding another Kenogami business that still carries the name, MacPherson’s General Store. She opted for an early retirement in 2014.

Valerie is a past president of the Beta Zeta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. Until recently when her health began to fail, her dedication to her community had few limits. She will be remembered as a tireless fundraiser and organizer of many community projects and events in the Kenogami area. She also volunteered her skills in the management of Kenogami’s community hall. She gave her time during several of Kirkland Lake’s various reunions and more recently, she has lent a hand to events on Sesekinika Lake where she cottaged, kayaked, snowshoed, skied and found her inner peace.

What Valerie has accomplished in life has been done with a pure heart and little fanfare. She leaves her loving family and her dedicated friends with fond and lasting memories. It was her wish that we come together for a gathering at Kenogami’s community hall to “join her in spirit”, from 2 until 4pm on Saturday April 13th , 2024.

Her family is most grateful for the many who gave Valerie care over the multiple years of her battles with Cancer. You truly were her angels. Thank you.

112 messages reçus

Ian and Skye

I am very sorry to here of your sorrow.
It was my pleasure to see in the store.

Frank Potts, le 30 mars 2024


I read this with a heavy heart but know that she will now get to be at rest. And will say HI to everyone up there for me. will miss seeing her around for sure... Ian you have a lifetime of memories now to cherish.

Kim J , le 30 mars 2024

Ian and family

So sorry to hear this sad news, she was a great lady with a hart of gold for her countless hours of volunteering in and around her communities ,she will be missed by many in the area.

Rob , le 30 mars 2024

Macpherson and Hanson families

My heart is broken to hear of Val’s passing. As a teen, I worked for Mac & Val at the Edgewood and Gallopping Glutton restaurants as so many of us growing up in Kenogami did. Wonderful memories with wonderful people. Winters, skiing and lazy hazy summer days.

Val you are so loved and will be missed with your infectious, beautiful smile, mentorship and community leadership.

Sincere condolences to Mac and Skye, your families. So much love and hugs being sent your way. You will be missed Val.


Angie Renaud, le 30 mars 2024


I was so saddened to read this news. Ive known Val for many years. Always the most pleasant person in any room. My deepest condolences. ️

Kathleen Dudgeon , le 30 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

Dear Ian and Skye. So sorry to hear of Val's passing. With heartfelt sympathies. ️
Linda and Garry Bullen.

Linda Conron, le 30 mars 2024

Ian Skye and family

So sorry for your loss. Val was a great woman and will be missed.
take care

Ken McGregor/Lois Smith, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

I am so sad to hear of Val’s passing. As I teen, Val and Ian gave me my first summer job as a short order cook (much to my mother’s amusement) at the Edgewood Restaurant. After leaving the North in my early 20’s, it seemed that every time I ventured to the area , I would see Mac and Val, first at MacPherson’s and then at Sesekinika. Val always greeted me like an old friend, always interested to hear about my family and my life. Her smile and genuine interest in others lit up the room.
What a loss for you both, Ian and Skye, your extended family and for the communities of Kenogami and Sesekinika.
Sincere condolences,
Marlene (Janssen) Cross

Marlene Cross, le 30 mars 2024


We are very sorry to hear of Vals passing. Such a great loss to family,friends and community. We send our sincere condolences.

Rob/Sandra Shunsby

Rob Shunsby, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye & Family

We were very saddened to read of Val’s passing. So many fond memories of our interactions with Val. A genuine and kind person. Our sincere condolences for your loss. Thinking of you at this difficult time.

Kathy & Jim McLenaghan , le 30 mars 2024

MacPherson & Hanson families

Our deepest sympathy for your loss. Val will be sadly missed by friends, family & the community. May she Rest in Peace.

Paul & Nancy Willison , le 30 mars 2024

Ian and family

Sending you lots of love and my deepest sympathy ️

Sharon Quenneville , le 30 mars 2024

The MacPherson Family and Friends

I am so saddened to read about Val, we were both battling "C" at the same time a few years back, and had many conversations together when we met. What a great human being, and truly will be missed by anyone who knew or loved her. So sorry for your loss. Cherish all your memories. RIP Val, your battle is over.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Judy (Cale) Gervais, le 30 mars 2024


Dear Ian, it’s with a heavy heart that Sheila and I write to you this Saturday March 30th after learning of your sweet wife Valerie’s passing. Although we are physically far away from you in SW Florida we are emotionally with you, family and community. We are so very sorry for you and will keep both you and Valerie in our thoughts and prayers this Easter Weekend.

Roger & Sheila Baker

Roger & Sheila Baker, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and family

We are so sorry to hear of Val’s passing! Our hearts are breaking for you all. She was an incredibly kind soul who will be missed so much. Our sincerest condolences.

Kelly and John Burak, le 30 mars 2024


Oh my dear Ian. Although we were never fortunate enough to become in-person friends what was shared digitally over the past few years among us made our friendship so special and precious.
Val was a delightful on-line friend and collaborator. How that unique gift from her will be missed.
Ian, I pray those who are closest to you both in proximity and in spirit will envelop you, Skye and Alan in their loving arms as journey with you during this sad, difficult time.
May God bless you and bring you peace.

Que mon soutien
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Nancy McAvoy Gajdosik , le 30 mars 2024

Val's Family and Friends

I'm so sorry to hear of Val's passing. Val was kind beyond words, always a smile and such a gentle soul. My deepest condolences to her loved ones on your loss. RIP beautiful lady.

Kelly Davis , le 30 mars 2024


When anyone thinks about Kenogami, they immediately think about Ian and Valerie. We stopped there many times over the years on our way to Wavell to see my sister and family. I also remember Ian's parents and Valerie's parents from my youth. All such wonderful people and contributed so much to the Kirkland Lake area. What a terrible loss for everyone. Please accept our sympathy!

Wendy (McQuade) van Vianen.

Wendy van Vianen, le 30 mars 2024

Ian MacPherson

Heartbreaking news. Val was always so welcoming at the store on our trips north. She truly was a beautiful soul.

Sharon Paras, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and Alan

Words cannot say how sad we are in the loss of Val. Sending condolences from the Cobb family in Manitoba

Joanne Cobb (McLean), le 30 mars 2024


Sending my sincerest condolences to you & all your family for your loss of Val.

Jamie Middleton, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and family

So sorry for your loss. R. I. P. Val hugs to you all

Julia doyon, le 30 mars 2024

The family

My condolences….Val never failed to pick up ones spirits…a delightful personality that will be missed….RIP

Bob Zidar, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

Dear Ian, Skye and Family...
Our deepest condolences on the passing of Val....
We have lost an Angel on Earth.... she was a very Special Person!!

Karen Hansen Larocque , le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye & family

I am so very sorry for your loss. Val will be remembered as a very kind and loving soul.
My deepest condolences to you all.

Kimberly Bernard, formerly Simpson, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and family

Very sorry to hear of Val’s death, she was indeed a lovely lady, my heartfelt sympathies.

Norma (McGugan) Teigen +, le 30 mars 2024

Mac, Skye and Val's extended family

I am sending my most heartfelt condolences on the loss of your Val. This lady was so kind and warm, if you were in her presence, you just knew her. She hired me 45 years ago to be a waitress at the Edgewood as a 15 year old kid and from there I graduated to working alone and also in the "Galloping Glutton". What a great job, mostly because of our co-workers who mentored us along, and also because of who Val & Ian were. They encouraged, supported, helped and guided us, until we knew what they would do, as they enjoyed the few hours they took for their own life. I mean, remember the bubbles Mac, when I absent mindedly put dish soap in the commercial dishwasher and we ended up with bubbles from one end of that kitchen, around corners and under everything....I was so scared I would get fired, maybe it crossed your mind but it didn't end that way. Because of who you both were. Learning along side you both how to treat people, and how to treat employees was huge. I appreciated you then, and very much as I got older, remembered many experiences at your place as good life lessons. You never know in life how much you touch people's lives. I am so glad to have you both touch my life. I am so very sorry for you to both, to lose somone who was so special. Rest in peace Val.

Patti Connolly, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye, and Family

We are all so very to hear of Val’s passing. She was a wonderful woman and will be missed by so many! She will be remembered fondly by the community.

Joni Russell and Family, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and family

My condolences to you in the loss of a wife, mother, sister and aunt. I so enjoyed going to MacPherson’s to browse all her new giftware as well as her clothing. Rest In Peace Val.

Doreen, le 30 mars 2024

Skye & Ian

My sincere condolences to both of you and your family. Val had a beautiful smile and a very big heart. May she rest in peace.

Fiona Denton, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

Fern and I are so very sorry to hear of Val’s passing. She was such a kind, gentle soul.

Que mon soutien
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Monica Tailleur, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of this very wonderful woman.
While I only saw Val in the summer when I was at the cottage, we had some amazing chats about anything and everything.
What a loss to the Kenogami community. She will be missed for both her entrepreneurial spirit and vivacious personality.

Patti Ramsay-Coutie, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and Skye and families

Wow … where to begin? How about with that smile … just so infectious. Witnessed it over and over while working at the Edgewood ( there was the occasional frown cuz of something my sister did).
Val was a great employer and then later in life when we bumped into one another it was as if we hadn’t missed a beat. Always pleasant, always asked about family and always parted with a til next time.
Condolences just don’t seem like enough for someone who gave so much.
Rest peacefully Val .. you have earned it.

Jo Crouse, le 30 mars 2024

Ian & Skye

This breaks my heart to hear this. Such a beautiful lady inside and out. Hugs Ian &Skye, we will miss seeing her cross the water with her beautiful smile ️

Colleen McGill, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and Skye.

My sincere condolences.

Gayle Havrot, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and family

We are so very sorry to hear of Val’s passing. Such a kind, warm and genuine person. She will be missed by all who had the good fortune to know her.

Lorna, Shaun and Aaron

Lorna Phillips, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and family

We are truly devastated to hear the news of Val’s passing. She was so loved by all. Our deepest condolences to you and your family at this very difficult time. Thinking of you all.

Que mon soutien
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Patty, Sean, MacKenzie and Jordan Colpitts, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye, Linda and families

Oh my. I am so very sorry to read this heartbreaking news. It was always so nice to come across Val for a chat. She was beautiful, kind, always positive and most of all, so brave. This world needs more of Val’s spirit in it. Ian, Skye and Linda I am so sorry for the loss of this beautiful soul in your lives. ️

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Lynn Murray Elliott , le 30 mars 2024

Ian and family

Condolences to all family and friends.So sorry for your loss, she will be missed such a cheerful soul. Hugs to all.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Robbie and Lorrie Brough, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

Val was such a lovely person and she always greeted everyone with a warm smile. She will be sadly missed by all those who were touched by her presence in Kenogami.

Liz Pacey, le 30 mars 2024

Hanson and MacPherson Family

Sending my heartfelt condolences to Val's family.
I have known Val since she was growing up in Swastika.
She was always happy and friendly with a cheery hello!
Val will be missed by all who knew her.
Treasure your memories!

Muriel Lang Shirback , le 30 mars 2024

Ian McPherson

Ian, we were shocked to read the obit for Val. She was one on the go lady.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences

Harold & Karen Birimcombe, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and family

My deepest condolences on Valaries passing. She will be remembered as a kind, though full and very friendly lady. Thoughts and prayers to all.

Darrell Kant, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye, Family and Friends

So sorry to hear of Val’s passing. A kind and compassionate person who loved her family. Sincere sympathy.

Linda Wilson, le 30 mars 2024

Val's family

So sorry for your loss. I first met Val through Beta Sims Phi many years ago. She always had a smile for everyone!

Charlene Stevens, le 30 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

Dear Ian and Skye,
So very sorry for your loss. Val, always smiling, soft spoken and kind hearted.

Ann Connelly, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and family

Valerie was truly a wonderful person! I am so sorry for your loss!
Our sincere condolences!

Tom and Karen McDougall

Karen , le 30 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

It is with sorrow that we heard of Val’s passing but no more pain, no more suffering.Val was definitely a bright star in the community’s of Kenogami and Sesekinika
Condolences and prayers at this time of grieving

Andy and Pansy Attwater, le 30 mars 2024


I was very sorry to hear of Val's passing. I only met her a couple of times, but she was very warm and friendly. I am sure that she will be missed by many people. My condolences.

Lisa Willner, le 30 mars 2024

Ian MacPherson and family

We are deeply saddened to hear of Val’s passing. We extend our deepest sympathy to Ian and family and to her sister Linda. She was always so friendly when we met up at the store at the cottage.
May she rest in peace.

Que mon soutien
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Lucienne Mallette Rowan, Charline and Elise, le 30 mars 2024

Ian & Skye

I was so sorry to hear of Val's passing. A beautiful lady inside & out. I always enjoyed our chats when we saw each other.
Thinking of you both, during this very difficult time.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Bren Szalajko, le 30 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and Family

It is impossible to think of this beautiful woman without a smile and fond memories. Warmth, kindness and positivity are her hallmarks, touching everyone who had the pleasure of knowing her. She will be dearly missed.
Love, Peggy and Carl

Peggy MacDonald & Carl Finley, le 30 mars 2024

To Ian and Skye

For starters my deepest sympathy for your loss. Val was a beautiful soul and then I purchased many many many things at MacPherson’s. She would say: “Michelle that colour looks fabulous or that colour does not look good on you. She was honest with my purchases and knew what suited me in colour and style. Val I am going to miss you so much. Words can’t express my aching heart. You were a gem and I loved you so much. Had such nice time exercising with you at the Ukrainian church downstairs when they had a fitness class at one time. And we would have both our mats side by side working out. Val you rest now and until we meet again on the other side.
Michelle St. Georges

Michelle St. Georges and my better half John , le 31 mars 2024

Ian and family

Sending my deepest condolences to you all. Sending you all virtual hugs and prayers of strength at this time and always. Val was a beautiful soul.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Gina Gelinas, le 31 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

Val had such a long struggle. She always had a beautiful smile for everyone she met. Doug and I will remember and miss her. So sorry for this loss!

Doug and Linda McGugan, le 31 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and family

Wishing you all my deepest condolences. We’ve lost a wonderful person.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Val Hurst (Mudrick), le 31 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and Family

We will always remember Val's smiling face infusing joy into our Kenogami community. Very sad to hear of her passing. Our thoughts are with you at this time.


Cynthia Summers (Ellies) and Suzan Ellies

Cynthia Summers, le 31 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

I am so very sorry to hear of Val’s passing. She was a wonderful lady. May you find some peace in the wonderful memories you share.

Tom Armstrong, le 31 mars 2024

Ian & Family

SO sorry for your loss of a great lady!

May she R I P!

Pat & Lorraine Kiely, le 31 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

Dear Ian and Skye
It is such sad news to learn that Valorie has passed away. Val was so warm and welcoming to the Cooks each summer when we returned to Kenogami and stocked up at Mcpherson’s. We will miss her.
Jean and Tom Cook

Tom Cook, le 31 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

Our deepest condolences on your loss. I have fond memories of our cross country skiing days. Paul and Tina

Paul Jadot , le 31 mars 2024

Ian and family

So sad to hear of Val's passing. Deepest condolences to the family. RIP Val.

Valerie (Lang) Gustar, le 31 mars 2024

Skye and Ian

Although you were prepared, the final ending is still probably a shock. Val was such a welcoming person and great organizer. She will be missed greatly by the Sesekinika community.
Gordon Miron and Wendy Acton, your cottage neighbours

Wendy Acton, le 31 mars 2024

Ian and Skye

So sorry for your loss our deepest sympathy to both of you. She will be deeply miss by everyone , will miss her at the cottage, her smile and very friendly greetings

Len and Michelle Callahan, le 31 mars 2024

Ian and Skye and Linda

Deepest sympathy to all who knew and loved this beautiful soul! This world was such a better place with Val in it!
Enjoy your rest and peace now Val.

With much love,
Karen (Johanson) and Paul Allard

Karen Allard, le 31 mars 2024


So so sad and sorry that you’ve lost your lovey sister Val. I remember her tagging after you and her beaming smile. She truly was beautiful inside and out! Treasure all your special memories Linda ️

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Carol Ann D’Andrea, le 31 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and family

Our family offers our sincerest sympathy to Val’s family. It’s with heavy hearts that we heard of Val’s passing. Val’s infectious smile and personality were her trademark. She accomplished so much in such a short time. We all will miss such a lovely person and when we think of Val our hearts will warm. Seskinika won’t be the same without her presence. We are truly sorry, and she will be greatly missed!

David and Susan Bordine, le 31 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and family

Our hearts go out to you in sympathy for the loss of Val. May you find comfort during this difficult time and the days that follow by sharing memories of the many good times spent with her.

Dale & Ann Rodgers, le 31 mars 2024


No words can truly express the heartbreak you must be going through.
Val and you were not just sisters, you were best friends. Let the memories that you shared with her try and comfort you at this time.
Thinking of you with love and hugs


Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Rae McGregor, le 31 mars 2024

Hanson/MacPherson families

Sending sincere condolences . Remembering shared family time with “Grandma” Hanson, Mrs Watkinson and Ollie and Harris.

Ruth Parkhill McFarlane, le 31 mars 2024


Just heard of Val's passing from my son, Jonathan. I am so sorry for your loss. Val was always kind and so pleasant to be around. And let's not forget always fun, gifted wonderful presents, and was ready to laugh. I have thought of you two so often since I left Kirkland Lake!

Lorraine , le 31 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and Family

We were so sorry to hear that Valerie had passed away. We send our deepest condolences to you all.

Vickie & Clem Demers, le 31 mars 2024

Ian, Skye and all the family and ftjends

So very saddened by the news of Val’s passing. Heartfelt condolences to you. May she fly with angels and rest well.

Tina Marinigh Phippen, le 31 mars 2024

Ian and family


So sorry to hear of Val. My condolences to you and your family for your loss.

Louise (Jadot) Colquhoun

Louise Jadot Colquhoun , le 31 mars 2024

Ian McPherson and family

So sorry to hear of Valerie's passing. I hope you all find peace during this difficult time.

Que mon soutien
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Esa Lehti, le 31 mars 2024

Ian and family

It was such sad news to hear about Val’s passing.I am so sorry for your loss.
Happy memories of family gatherings over the years.
Deep sympathy for you all.

Alta, le 31 mars 2024

Linda, Ian and Skye

Valerie was my very first and best friend when we were little. She turned into the sweet and gentle soul we all knew and loved. She spread love and kindness like spilled sugar everywhere and we are all better persons for knowing Val.
I offer my most sincere condolences for your loss. My heart is broken, but if I know Val, she's off on a new adventure and she'll tell us all about it when we get there. I'm so glad to have the memories of the good times we shared as children to keep me company till we meet again...Leave the light on girlfriend! Last one in turns it off!

Que mon soutien
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Carmen Anderson , le 1 avril 2024

Linda Hanson

It’s with great sorrow, hearing of the passing of your sister and your best friend, Val. My condolences to the MacPherson and Hanson families.

Bill & Ande Morris,
Plympton, Nova Scotia

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Ande & Bill Morris , le 1 avril 2024

Ian and family

My deepest condolences on your tragic loss. Heaven has gained a very special angel! May she rest in peace!

Joan Butt, le 1 avril 2024

Ian and family

Deepest condolences

Jean snowdon, le 1 avril 2024

The family

I will miss that smile and welcoming words everytime, no matter where. Warm hug and prayers to you. Love, Pat.

Patricia McLean , le 1 avril 2024

Ian and Skye and family

We are deeply saddened to hear about your loss. We can only endorse all the beautiful comments about Val. She was such a kind, gracious, sincere person. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

Pat, Fred, Adam and Kate Hacking

Pat Hacking, le 1 avril 2024

MacPherson, Hanson & Halfpenny families

Please accept our sincere condolences in the passing of Valerie. She was always such a pleasant woman. Rest In Peace Valerie.

Ian, Skye and Linda, hold all the wonderful memories of Valerie close to your hearts.

Anita and Jim Haine, le 1 avril 2024

Ian , Skye and family

I am so very sorry to hear of Val's passing. She was a beautiful person with a generous heart and warm smile. Please accept my condolences on your loss.

Mike Bowman, le 1 avril 2024

Linda Halfpenny and family

Dear Linda
I want to express my sincere condolences on the passing of your beloved sister, Valerie. It was so obvious how much you loved her and how much you will miss her. I hope your memories will help you cope through these sad times and eventually bring smiles and laughter of your thoughts of Val. Another Guardian to keep watch over you and your family. XXOO

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Sharon Deboer, le 1 avril 2024

Ian and family.

Ian. As a man who also has lost his wife, I feel for you. May your memories be with you every day. Take care. Be strong for her.

Merdy Armstrong, le 1 avril 2024

Ian & Family

We are so sorry to hear the news of Val’s passing. We know she struggled a long time but now she is free of pain. We will miss seeing her. Her smile lit up a room. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers as we wish for peace and comfort for you & your family.

Anne Marie & Tim Pauli, le 2 avril 2024

Ian, Skye and your families

Val will always be remembered within her family and community for the amazing person she was.
Her sister Linda, a dear friend of mine, often talked about Val whom she adored and admired.
Deepest Sympathies,
Charline and Davis Surette

Que mon soutien
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Charline Surette, le 2 avril 2024

Ian, Skye and Linda

We are so sorry to hear this sad, sad news. You could always count on Val to greet you with a heartfelt, cheerful hello and a warm smile that was always so genuine, whether it was at 5:45 A.M. just before my 6:00 shift at the Edgewood, visits to MacPerson's General Store or at a Kenogami gathering. We will remember Val for her warmth, kindness and beautiful soul.
Our deepest condolences, Mac, Skye, Linda and extended family. Such a huge loss!

Barb and Robert

Barb Nickoloff/Robert D'Andrea, le 2 avril 2024

Ian, Skye and families

A void has been left in the community with the departure of Val. we are so very sorry for your loss. Val greeted everyone with her wonderful smile and kind words. Keep her memory close in your hearts.

Vivi & Don Mervyn

Vivi Mervyn, le 2 avril 2024

Ian and family

I’m so sorry that Valerie was taken from you. She was always so friendly, super-efficient and innovative, and so courageous in her ongoing battle with cancer. She deserved many more years to enjoy life and to cherish her family. Condolences to all.

Margaret McCrank, le 2 avril 2024

Ian , Skye and family

So sorry to hear of Val's passing. She was such a wonderful lady, always smiling and kind.
With heartfelt sympathies. Hugs.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Alvin and Mary-Anne Dumas, le 3 avril 2024

Ian and Skye

I got to know Val when she attended my fitness classes. She was warm, beautiful, funny, classy, and intelligent. Words are not enough to express my sympathy for your loss. She will be truly missed, but her memory will live on. Take care of yourselves in this difficult time.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Sandra Gordon, le 3 avril 2024

Ian,Skye and Family

We are very saddened to receive the news concerning Valerie.She was always so friendly, optimistic and interesting when we would see her on our trips to Kenogami! A terrible loss for your family, the Kenogami community and her many friends!
Our sincere condolences- Brian and Gale Hamilton

Brian and Gale Hamilton , le 3 avril 2024

Ian, Skye and Family

We are deeply sorry to learn of the loss of your beautiful Val.
Her loving presence brought so much light into the lives of many.
Val made remarkable and selfless contributions to her community…a wonderful soul.
Wayne and Lyn Olmstead and Family.

Lyn Olmstead, le 3 avril 2024

Ian and family

Ian, sorry to hear of Val’s passing. Our thoughts are with you during this challenging time. Condolences to you and the family.

The Nikitin / Tench families , le 3 avril 2024

Ian, Skye and family

So sad to hear of Val's passing. She was such a nice and caring person. My first job was at the Edgewater in Kenogami and I have some great memories working for Ian and Val. May she rest in peace . Sincerest condolences to Ian, Skye and Family.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Renee Carriere, le 4 avril 2024

Ian & Skye

So very saddened to hear this, My sincerest condolences on the loss of your dear Val

Sherry faulkner, le 4 avril 2024

Ian, Skye and Family

Dear Ian and Skye and family,
We are so saddened for your loss. Please accept our heartfelt condolences.
Helen, Louine and family

Helen McCallum, le 5 avril 2024

Ian & Skye

There are no words to express how sorry we both are for your loss. Val was a great lady and she will be missed. We are thinking of you during this time and send our condolences your way.

Rick & Charlene Owen, le 5 avril 2024

Ian and family

So sorry for your lost, such a beautiful lady. Deepest condolences.
Rick & Bonny Reid

Que mon soutien
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bonny reid, le 7 avril 2024

Ian, Skye and families,

Our sincere condolences to Val’s family, friends and community. Her smile was special and her greeting always warm and welcoming. So sorry for your loss.

Dolores and Paul Lynch, le 10 avril 2024

Ian, Skye and Allen Linda Stephen and family

My deepest condolence in the loss of Val, I know she fought hard through her illness and at the same time , she never gave up on helping others, I will truly miss our chats and lunch dates over the years, I loved being part of the family,Edgewood Days, MacPherson Days, and our Friendship Days. Our Florida trip. May she be at peace and I know she will be watching over you all, she will be deeply missed by the Community . May we keep her memory close and know she is at Peace.Thinking of everyone during this sad time All my Love Bev,Wes And Family xox

Bev and Wes Ripley , le 10 avril 2024

Ian and Skye

My condolences on your loss of such a special person. Val's wonderful taste was reflected in the beautiful selection of items she made for the store. She was a wonderful asset to Kenogami and Sessikinika and will be greatly missed.

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Kathy Kryklywy, le 10 avril 2024

Ian & Skye

Kaye & I send our deepest sympathies to you and your family, Val was a wonderful lady who will be missed by all who knew her. ️

Lynn & Kaye Stabryla , le 11 avril 2024

Ian MacPherson

So sorry to hear of Val’s passing! She was a wonderful person and knew her from high school! Condolences to all the Family.

Gerry Wheeldon, le 11 avril 2024

Ian and Skye

My deepest condolences on the passing of Valerie. She was a very brave and courageous lady. May she rest in peace

Rose Chartre, le 11 avril 2024

Ian and family

Please accept our sympathies. Val was a beautiful person with a beautiful smile. RIP

Bill Glover and family, le 12 avril 2024

Ian and Family

I was very saddened to hear of Val’s passing. Such a great loss for her family, friends and community !
She was such a kind, beautiful person, will miss her very much!
With heartfelt sympathy and love!

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Toni Wolfe, le 12 avril 2024

Mac, Skye, Alan, Linda, and families and community

Clarke and I wish to express our deepest sympathy. Mac and Val introduced us to life in the North- canoeing, fishing, blueberries, visiting the dump to see the bears-so many memories from many years ago. Pure in heart, full of love and light, kind and caring, Val was one of a kind. She made our world a better place. We look forward to her gathering later today. ️

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Clarke and Barbara Richmire, le 13 avril 2024

Ian MacPherson

Ruth and I are very sorry to hear of Valerie,s death announcement.
My wife,Ruth (Luoma) and I enjoyed stopping in at MacPherson,s
store at the top of the hill in Kenogami.Our condolences goes out
to Ian and family.

Tom & Ruth(Luoma) Richardson, le 29 juin 2024

Ian and families

So sorry for your loss. Val was such a wonderful, caring lady.

Judy Kerr, le 24 juillet 2024

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